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Download Patch 14.1.4 Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Tuesday, 3 December 2013 64 comments
langsung aja donlot patch terbaru FOOTBALL MANAGER 2014....

sebelumnya harus donlot utorrent

lalu donlot
patch 14.1.4


  • copy semua isi didalam folder update ke installer FOOTBALL MANAGER 3dmnya, copy dan replace all
  • copy semua isi didalam folder crack ke installer FOOTBALL MANAGER 3dmnya, copy dan replace all 
  • klik fm exe dan enjoy the new patch







nah kalo udah diupdate bakal gini (CEK TULISAN 14.1.4 dipaling bawah sebelah kanan)

kelebihan patch 14.1.4 :

- Fixed rare crash/freeze during processing
- Fixed rare crash when using edited data
- Fixed rare crash in backroom advice
- Fixed rare freeze when processing

- Prevented teams from entering both Champion & EURO Cups
- Allowed overage players to feature in Swedish Reserve league* (You will need to start a new save for this fix to be in your game)

- Fixed user being sacked for not dropping a player they already sold

- Adjusted Free Kick attribute progression

- Lower league players now more willing to negotiate contract renewals

- Prevented Client IGE use in network game
- Fixed free agents being unable to transfer in IGE
- User can now activate Italian Serie D

- Some important improvements to the engagement of the ball player with reduced slide tackle count
- Fixed under hit near post corners that caused too many easy chances
- Fixed the worst examples of wild off target shots and passes
- Reduced long shots
- Fixed bug causing some deflections/blocks to be potentially missed
- Reduced directional change on regular player collision avoidance
- Fixed metrification bug causing full back to run to centre of pitch when overlapping
- Fixed bug where keeper storms out too fast when narrowing angle and risks overshooting target point
- Increased fouls at lower levels
- Pushed d-lines ups a bit when ball not in attacking third
- Fixed some headers being directed higher than intended
- Fixed keepers not reaching some obvious balls above their head
- Fixed some instances of players not closing down ball player including at short corner
- Fixed some instances of players not making no-brainer tackle attempt
- Tweaked default cross aim point slightly
- Some further tweaks to kick/header inaccuracy
- Improved player blocking of shots and crosses
- Fixed some minor bugs in ball deflection code
- Some general improvements to engagement of ball player
- Reduced instances of tackles leading to corners
- Some more tackles made in danger situations
- Improved detection of Clear Cut Chances when player behind defence
- Slightly more opportunistic shots taken especially when chasing a goal
- Small tweaks to some shot velocities
- Minor tweak to pass AI reducing any risky short ones under no pressure
- Full backs come a bit deeper to offer keeper pass in 4 man defences when long kicks not instructed
- Reduced instances of keeper handballs outside area
- Fixed red cards being displayed for these handballs outside area
- Stopped players running through nets
- Fix for some issues with high d-lines not positioning correctly
- Fix for some issues with clearing header direction
- Reduced instances of clearance kicks in unrealistic areas
- Fix for keepers not saving some shots dipping and hitting woodwork
- Fix for players not leaving obvious ball for keeper
- Made keepers make use of their area better after catching ball
- Reduced some long shots in deeper central areas
- Fixed some examples of Clear Cut and Half Chances being missed
- Tuned player match ratings


  • Tidak bisa main online (multiplayer) seperti crack 14.1.3 =>>> RESIKO DITANGGUNG USER
Judul: Download Patch 14.1.4 Football Manager 2014
Ditulis oleh JastipSingapore
Rating Blog 5 dari 5
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi brother. Jika ingin mengutip, baik itu sebagian atau keseluruhan dari isi artikel ini harap menyertakan link dofollow ke Terima kasih sudah singgah membaca brother FMLOVERS.


Anonymous said...

bos,perbdaan patch sbelumnya ma yg ini apa y?

JastipSingapore said...

cek diatas bro

Anonymous said...

Gan kalo pake patch ini musti new gane lagi yah ?
Apa bisa pake save game yang patch sebelumnya ?

JastipSingapore said...

bisa dong broh

Unknown said...

thanks gan..
izin sedot :)

Unknown said...

thanks gan...
izin sedooot

Anonymous said...

crash ga gan?

Anonymous said...

crash ga gan?

JastipSingapore said...

diatas sudah dicoba dan tidak ada masalah...saya musim ke 4 2017 lancar aja...

moii achand said...

gak bisa di download gan...

Unknown said...

punya saya kok ngk muncul stelah mengikuti petunjuk diatas???

tolong dibantu mas.

Unknown said...

saya udah ngikuti petunjuk diatas , tapi kok ngk muncul dilayar waktu di klik FM.exe nya??

mohon batuan nya gan

JastipSingapore said...

tidak mungkin, saya tes bisa kok

JastipSingapore said...

yakin sudah benar? pasti ada yang salah...yg lain bisa dan saya bisa kenapa anda ga bisa? hehehe

Anonymous said...

gan kok ga bisa didownload ya patch nya?

JastipSingapore said...

bisa,....pake torrent...donlot dulu torrentnya

Anonymous said...

torrent sudah saya donlot dan sudah selesai, tapi filenya tidak dalam bentuk zip atau rar. gimana cara ekstraknya?

JastipSingapore said...

torrent sudah didonlot dan install? kalo langsung klik patch 14.1.4 yg diatas, itu magnet langsung pindah ke torrent yang anda install tadi, jadi dia didonlot dari torrent....semacam idm gitu torrent ini...nanti hasil donlotan torrent itu dalam bentuk rar.. ekstrak dan ikutin langkah diatas

Unknown said...

klo fmrte nya sdh nongol blm tuk support yg ini????

rafie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rafie said...

bang, kalau pake versi nosteam bisa pake patch 14.1.4 3dmnya kaga ?

JastipSingapore said...


Unknown said...

Udah dihapus, Gan. Upload lagi dong :D

JastipSingapore said...

mana ada terhapus bro....

Anonymous said...

bisa gak klu buat FM versi reloaded...??

Rizky Dwi Cahyadi said...

gak ada yg gak torrent ya gan? make torrent mslhnya downloadnya pasti agak lama. hhee

JastipSingapore said...

sekarang tergantung provider hehe...

JastipSingapore said...

sepertinya bisa tp tetep sama seperti reloaded yang berantakan

Unknown said...

tlong di upload lgi gan,, udh gk ad link downloadnya..

JastipSingapore said...

ada kok :)) barusan saya tes bisa...harus ikutin tutor diatas (pakai torrent)

Unknown said...

shiipp dahh,, ty.. :D

Unknown said...

buat link baru aj gan,, link yg itu udh gk bsa,,

JastipSingapore said...

bisa kok bro..

Unknown said...

"Sorry, but that link has been deleted."

JastipSingapore said...

bisa...harus pake torrent

Anonymous said...

ini patch bisa tanpa kerak telor bro?

Anonymous said...

oh udh include kerak telor y? ijin sedot gan..

jj said...

kalo versi pak tani bisa ga gan

jj said...

kalo versi pak tani bisa ga gan?

jj said...

kalo versi pak tani bisa ga gan

Anonymous said...

gag ada filenya gan, cuma ada tulisan "Sorry, but that link has been delete."

JastipSingapore said...

ada kok...saya udah tes pake p dan laptop lain :))

Anonymous said...

gan .. mau nanya itu FM2014 foldernya ga bisa dtaruh di Drive laen y selaen Drive C:?? Karna saya coba taruh di Drive Storage Portable (bukan Drive OS saya) ga bisa. Crash terus .. Tolong pencerahannya dari agan2 semua .. Thanks

JastipSingapore said...

bisa kok..

Unknown said...

gan bisa ga buat Mac yg update tan yg ini

Unknown said...

gan, buat mac bisa ga updatetannya

JastipSingapore said...

ini khusus PC windows

Upriadi said...

Gan aneh dah pake (Update dan patch 14.1.4) punya agan, tapi kok gak ada pemain Indonesia kaya Evan dimas dan kawan2.??

Upriadi said...

Gan aneh dah pake (Update dan patch 14.1.4) punya agan, tapi kok gak ada pemain Indonesia kaya Evan dimas dan kawan2.??

Upriadi said...

Gan, ane udah pake Update&Patch 14.1.4 punya agan, tapi kok gak ada Evan dimas dan kawan2 ya???

JastipSingapore said...

haha data base indonesia ga lengkap emang

Upriadi said...

Temen di Facebook ada gan yang sudah ada Evan dimas dkk.

JastipSingapore said...

terus? saya juga ada,,terus?

Anonymous said...

gan...ada link lain gak? di tempat ane gak bisa nyedot pake torrent nih..

Anonymous said...

kok dimainin kuluar sendiri ya bro.. setelah aku update patch ini..
jadi setiap tanding di lapangan lewat beberapa menit langsung keluar sendiri fmnya..

Anonymous said...

gann,... nama2 didalam di update ini ud betul kah?

GOldwinner said...

Bro, ane dah update pake patch ini tapi kok pas diklik fm.exe muncul tulisan gini:

"The program can't start because OpenAL32.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."

Lha, ane cek di folder installer nya fie itu masih ada, ga kemana2 tuh.

Ini kira2 nge benerinnya gimana ya?


Unknown said...

ko nama2 pemain yg ada di dalamnya ngaco smuanya ya??

dah gitu lambang klub2nya pun gk ada??

ada yg plg baru gk gan??

Unknown said...

mas bro ane udh pake updatenya dan sdh berhasil,tp kenapa ya lambang2 club,baju2,dan nama2 yg ada di dalamnya ngaco smuanya??

gk sesuai sama nm yg aslinya...bisa tlg di bantunih mas bro??

JastipSingapore said...

wah coba googling bro

JastipSingapore said...

cek driver terbaru

JastipSingapore said...

install ulang coba terus update patch terbaru

JastipSingapore said...

masternya harus pake 3dm bro..lah lambang klub donlot lagilah

JastipSingapore said...

masternya harus 3dm...lambang klub donlot lagi

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