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Tips menjadikan kita favoured personnel bagi pemain di football manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Sunday, 29 December 2013 2 comments
cara membuat pemain menyukai kita dan menjadikan kita FAVOURED PERSONNEL:
1. Selalu mainkan dia ditiap match (jadikan dia pemain inti)
2. puji dia ketika bermain bagus dengan private chat
3. tegas ketika dia mendapat kartu merah atau skors
4. perpanjang kontraknya sebelum habis kontraknya
5. sebelum rekrut pemain (jika pemain itu di klub lain dan mau di beli), puji dia dengan declare interest di press (DI MENU TRANSFER PEMAIN, KLIK KANAN DIPEMAIN TERSEBUT)

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Tips menjadikan harga pemain muda menjadi sangat mahal

Posted by JastipSingapore Friday, 27 December 2013 2 comments
Membuat harga (VALUE) pemain muda menjadi sangat mahal Di FOOTBALL MANAGER :
·         Sering sering dimainkan (kalo bisa jadi pemain inti)
·         Usahakan menjadi pemain muda terbaik di berbagai ajang kompetisi
·         Selalu naikkan kontraknya setiap akhir musim dengan release clause kalo bisa tinggi harganya

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Crack Multiplayer (ONLINE) Football Manager 2014 (14.2.0)

Posted by JastipSingapore Friday, 20 December 2013 12 comments
Langsung aja buat yang pengen main online di PATCH 14.2.0..

Cara pemakaian:

  1. DOWNLOAD terlebih dahulu
  2. Ekstrak hasil donlotannya
  3. Copy isi dalam folder HASIL DONLOTAN TADi ke folder installer Football Manager 2014 anda
  4. COPY DAN REPLACE semuanya
  5. tes dah...klik fm.exe
SYARAT buat main online harus ada:
  1. STEAM 
  4. harus ganteng
Cara Main online Football Manager 2014:
  • Buat id steam. (yg ga ngerti steam, bisa google aja).
  • add friends di steam
  • Masuk Menu FM, (Host: create new online game -> versus) (Client: Join Online Game). Jangan lupa atur preferences online, server name dan password nya.
cara add friends bisa diliat di gambar ini:


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FMRTE 14.1.4

Posted by JastipSingapore 3 comments

Langsung aja sedot FMRTE 14.1.4...
berikut linknya...

cara install:

  • donlot
  • ekstrak
  • install fmrte
  • copy replace all
  • play fmrte.exe
  • selamat pake

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Football Manager 2014 patch 14.2.0

Posted by JastipSingapore 30 comments
Patch Terbaru Football Manager 2014 udah rilis bro (14.2.0) buat yang versi original dan bajakan...
buat original bisa langsung donlot via steam...buat bajakan langsung sedot dibawah ini


kemudian pilih link yang di lingkarin.. 

Yang baru di patch 14.2 ini:
- Fixed rare crash when continuing game
- Fixed another rare crash when continuing edited save game
- Fixed crash testing rules in Advanced Editor
- Fixed crash when searching invalid latitude value in Editor
MATCH v1439
- Fixed rare occurrence of stats incorrectly showing 255
- Reduced instances of direct free kicks aimed too close to crossbar inflating woodwork stats
- Fixed instances of throw ins taken just on pitch
- Tweaked urgency of engagement of ball player in own half depending on defensive player's tactical settings
- Improved general logic of when to attempt a tackle
- Tweaked aim direction of sliding tackles
- Reduced wild challenges slightly
- Fixed keeper accelerating out of area after fielding ball
- Fixed player ratings not updated quickly enough in some circumstances
- Some tweaks to player ratings including weighting on headers, interceptions and tackles
- Fixed poor detection of save quality
- Reduced first time keeper clearances under little pressure when he has short distribution PI
- Fixed strange ball movement after some instances of players pushing opponents while going to ariel ball
- Fixed non marking of short corner option player
- Reduced poor attempts to win corner off opponent
- Reduced poor cross attempts that had little chance of completion
- Reduced pointless shot attempts slightly
- Fixed quick free kick direction facing
- Fixed blocked crosses being set as completed crosses in stats
- Fixed short corners being set as crosses in stats
- Fixed players going through bench
- Fixed subs running on pitch after friendly win
- Improved keeper kick out from hands contact point
- Fixed issues with depth and width values after human tactical changes
- Fixed player standing at wrong end of pitch when following "stand in front of keeper at free kick" instruction
- Fixed bad goal kicks when the keeper kicks the ball out for an injury
- Refined counter attack trigger point depending on team mentality setting
- Improved player decision making during counter attack phase of play
- Some general tweaks to on ball decision AI
- Increased chance of player misjudging ball path slightly
- Made it harder for player to kill pace on fast moving ball especially at speed
- Improved ball velocity on some crosses
- Fixed ball contact point issue when putting ball out of play for an injury
- Added cross less often PI
- Fixed some issues with kick off AI
- Fixed some issues defending corners
- Fixed some keeper positioning and facing issues, including coming out inviting easy lobs
- Some tweaks to pass AI
- Tweaked d-line position slightly
- Fixed some further engagement of ball player issues
- Tweaked default cross aim slightly
- Reduced further attempts to buy corner off opponent
- Increased long shots slightly
- Fixed keeper misjudging occasional headed back pass
- Reduced penalty scored % slightly
- Fine-tuned CCC detection very slightly
- Reduced overhit mid-range passes caused by physics interface flaw not player error
- Tweaked player movement at dead balls slightly
- Reduced defensive headers that are aimed too close to own goal
- Small tweaks to shot and pass accuracy
- Improved Match Plan substitution logic
- Increased individual player training to prevent players becoming unhappy with workload
- Fixed mid-season Budget news item sometimes not appearing
- Fixed user not being able to declare interest in jobs when AI Managers are 'insecure'
- User can now 'scan for graphics' to manually index Workshop graphics
- User can start challenges from Workshop
- Game will now index files without a config
- Kits can now be uploaded to Workshop
- Manually deleted files will no longer produce error for users
- Italian Hero Achievement fixed
- Fixed rare instance where No Sacking would not unlock
- Can now turn off IGE before creating a new game
- User can add second nationalities
- Can now move players between AI clubs
- Can now transfer free agents using 'move to other clubs' option
- Future transfers cleared when free agents are moved
- Fixed rare example of clubs incorrectly failing FFP
- AI will now always register players when user is on holiday
- Stopped Swedish Second Divisions changing number of teams
- Spanish "B" Team Squad Numbers now remembered between matches
- Stopped players returning from their end of season break too early
- Stopped Scottish Premiership Playoff matches being scheduled for consecutive days
- Fixed rare example of Belgian season not being scheduled
- Fixed scheduling of Copa Libertadores & Sudamericana when removing South American leagues
- Fixed Italian transfer window dates
- Fixed overage rules in Russian U21 league
- Fixed Scottish Premiership Relegation Playoff scheduling
- Stopped assistant manager arranging reserve friendlies when already in a reserve league
- Fixed North American Gold Cup attendances
- Fixed Belgian Pro League European Playoff Final scheduling when cup winners qualify
- Set 2015 Asian Cup Qualifying groups as per real life
- Fixed English League Cup / EURO Cup fixture clashes
- Fixed English FA Cup replays being scheduled during international breaks
- Fixed 2015 U20 World Cup scheduling
- Reduced player bonus demands in contract negotiations
- Stopped former staff generating scout reports
- Stopped AI clubs bidding on players they cannot afford
- Improved AI shortlisting for Spanish B teams
- Stopped out of contract players from being agent owned
- Fixed expiry date being set in the past for transfer targets
- Improved logic of AI co-ownership offers
- Fixed user being unable to Approach To Sign player after deal falls though
- Fixed semi-pro sides being unable to offer non-contracts
- Fixed Continue button disappearing before penalty shootouts
- Fixed text overrun on GK attribute octagons
- Fixed code displayed in board meeting
- Fixed match focus not state saving
- Fixed tactical familiarity not adjusting when some strategies changed
- Fixed formation familiarity being lost in certain circumstances
- Fixed Offer to Clubs screen changing when other users navigate
- Fixed warning message when clients attempt to join network game

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Super Attack Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore 10 comments
Masih Ingat dengan SUPER ATTACK tactic Football Manager 2012 yang saya share kurang lebih setahun lalu?
kali ini saya bakal ngeshare untuk FOOTBALL MANAGER 2014...
saya memakai tactic ini berhasil 3 musim berturut tidak terkalahkan di LIGA!!

tactic ini sangat kuat dalam passing passing pendek...
dan sangat tidak memerlukan lebar lapangan (PITCH) (sebaiknya diset paling minimum sewaktu awal musim)

kriteria yg dibutuhkan:

  • familiarity tactic
  • standard role buat pemain
  • semakin bagus tim anda, semakin kuat dan padu taktik ini
  • stamina kuat
  • patch 14.1.4 dan 14.2.0 dan 14.2.1 dan 14.2.2
  • wajah tampan

cek aja REVIEW SAYA dari beberapa gambar dibawah ini:

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Crack Multiplayer Football Manager 14.1.4 (PLAYING ONLINE)

Posted by JastipSingapore Tuesday, 17 December 2013 0 comments
Langsung aja buat yang pengen main online tapi karena update PATCH 14.1.4 jadi ga bisa main online, bisa disedot crack Multiplayernya di

Cara pemakaian:

  1. DOWNLOAD terlebih dahulu
  2. Ekstrak hasil donlotannya
  3. Copy isi dalam folder hasil donlotannya ke folder installer Football Manager 2014 anda
  4. COPY DAN REPLACE semuanya
  5. tes dah...klik fm.exe
SYARAT buat main online harus ada:
  1. STEAM 
  4. harus ganteng
Cara Main online Football Manager 2014:
  • Buat id steam. (yg ga ngerti steam, bisa google aja).
  • add friends di steam
  • Masuk Menu FM, (Host: create new online game -> versus) (Client: Join Online Game). Jangan lupa atur preferences online, server name dan password nya.
cara add friends bisa diliat di gambar ini:


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The Great Goal Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore 0 comments
Gol di detik terakhir oleh seorang pemain muda berbakat

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The Possession Of Spain Tactic Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Saturday, 14 December 2013 2 comments

kali ini saya bakal share taktik yang buat madrid saya juara di musim ke 5 untuk ke 5 kali berturut turut...dan membawa spanyol menjuarai piala dunia 2018 dengan pemain seadanya (pemain beken uda tua tua)
langsung aja diliat broooo previewnya

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Gol Tenang Juan Carlos (Regen) Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Friday, 13 December 2013 0 comments
Diumur 19 tahun dia sudah menjadi pemain inti saya...
ya diprediksikan bakal jadi pemain berkaliber dunia, nih liat aja golnya aja berkelas bro

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The Amazing Goal From Gareth Bale Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore 1 comments

Solo Run seorang Gareth bale d sisi kiri , dan langsung menceploskan bola dengan tenang dan berkelas!!

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pemain ini diam diam pengganti messi di Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Thursday, 12 December 2013 4 comments
Pemain ini wajib deh direkrut (kalo bisa) attributnya badai bener broh...

Rafael Alcântara do Nascimento
AM (C) ST (C)
Contract Expires
Release Clause
Not Set

baru mulai dia ada di Celta sebagai pinjaman..

ini dia ketika menjadi pemain berkelas...ajib bener broh

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Cara menyimpan Highlights Gol di Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Wednesday, 11 December 2013 0 comments

Pingin Mengabadikan Gol di Football Manager 2014? tapi belum tau caranya???
nih aku kasih tau..

cara menyimpan gol di Football Manager 2014:

1. Pilih Match yang mau golnya di save (liat di fixture aja)

2. buka matchnya dan liat diujung kanan dibawah continue ada tab UPLOAD HIGHLIGHTS di klik UPLOAD HIGHLIGHTSnya

3. Bakal ada pilihan Goal Highlights atau Custom Highlights, perbedaannya adalah kalo Goal Highlights kita bisa save 1 gol yang menurut kita paling bagus atau yang menjadi favorit kita atau yg memang mau kita savelah....sedangkan kalo Custom Highlights itu untuk menyimpan keseluruhan gol di match tersebut

4. nah kalo mau ngesavenya, pilih salah satu gol (jika goal highlights), pilih mau jenis kamera apa di select kamera, pilih sudutnya di select transition dan pilih highlight options dan pilih EXPORT HIGHLIGHT AS MOVIE....tunggu loadingnya (proses encode) (buat yang CUSTOM HIGHLIGHTS sama langkahnya)
5. setelah ada konfirmasi video telah di export, silahkan cek videonya di

C:\Users\namapc\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\uploads 

format movienya .ogv putar dengan media player sejenis vlc dan lainnya

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The Amazing Cristiano Ronaldo Goal Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore Tuesday, 10 December 2013 2 comments

Cristiano Ronaldo membuat gol gila di savean Football Manager 2014 saya...
gol pertamanya dia solo run sebelum garis lapangan dan melaju terus sampai mulut gawang sebelum menceploskan bola dengan keras....
gol keduanya lebih sakti, dari sudut lapangan setelah mendapatkan passing, langsung dia membawa bola dengan melewati dua pemain dan menembakkan dengan kerasnya bola ke gawang lawan..
ampunlah liat pemain sakti ini...
CRISTIANO RONALDO emang titisan dewa haha

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Total Football tactic Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore 3 comments
Setelah menjalani beberapa musim yang sulit akhirnya di musim 2016-2017 berhasil mendapatkan rekor tidak terkalahkan dengan taktik baru tentunya....
taktik ini membutuhkan kesabaran karena saya sendiri sebenernya juga ga sabar liat pergerakan pemain hanya passing...taktik ini menggunakan passing sebagai senjata utamanya...seperti total football belanda dan juga menggunakan super possession...

kriteria penting buat taktik ini (selebihnya menurut role aja):

  • passing minimal 15
  • fullback minimal mempunyai stamina dan passing diatas 15

LETAKKAN FILENYA DI C:\Users\NAMA PC\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\tactics

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Download Football Manager Lengkap

Posted by JastipSingapore Friday, 6 December 2013 26 comments
Football Manager nama ini memulai karirnya sebagai game strategi tercinta buat saya sejak 2005.. Dan sekarang sudah mencapai seri ke 2014...buat yang mau mengenang seri terdahulu, langsung aja broooooo disedot di:
Buat yang mau donlot bisa dibawah ini, tapi sebelumnya harus donlot TORRENT
baru bisa donlot semua yang dibawah ini:
selamat menikmati kenangan brooooo

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Download Championship Manager

Posted by JastipSingapore 3 comments
Kilas balik (Flash Back ke Football Manager atau yang dulu dikenal dengan Championship Manager) sangat buat hati merasa ingin kembali ke jaman itu...
sedikit yang saya temuin link link yang bisa jadi acuan buat donlot... (saya komplit sih dirumah)

Buat yang mau donlot bisa dibawah ini, tapi sebelumnya harus donlot TORRENT

buat selanjutnya bakal saya update lagi..mata agak lelah ini sudah broh....

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FMRTE 14.1.4

Posted by JastipSingapore Tuesday, 3 December 2013 6 comments

Langsung aja di donlot...
ini sudah FMRTE FULL lisensi...ini free...tenang aja work kok..
silahkan didonlot, compatible buat patch 14.1.4

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Download Patch 14.1.4 Football Manager 2014

Posted by JastipSingapore 64 comments
langsung aja donlot patch terbaru FOOTBALL MANAGER 2014....

sebelumnya harus donlot utorrent

lalu donlot
patch 14.1.4


  • copy semua isi didalam folder update ke installer FOOTBALL MANAGER 3dmnya, copy dan replace all
  • copy semua isi didalam folder crack ke installer FOOTBALL MANAGER 3dmnya, copy dan replace all 
  • klik fm exe dan enjoy the new patch







nah kalo udah diupdate bakal gini (CEK TULISAN 14.1.4 dipaling bawah sebelah kanan)

kelebihan patch 14.1.4 :

- Fixed rare crash/freeze during processing
- Fixed rare crash when using edited data
- Fixed rare crash in backroom advice
- Fixed rare freeze when processing

- Prevented teams from entering both Champion & EURO Cups
- Allowed overage players to feature in Swedish Reserve league* (You will need to start a new save for this fix to be in your game)

- Fixed user being sacked for not dropping a player they already sold

- Adjusted Free Kick attribute progression

- Lower league players now more willing to negotiate contract renewals

- Prevented Client IGE use in network game
- Fixed free agents being unable to transfer in IGE
- User can now activate Italian Serie D

- Some important improvements to the engagement of the ball player with reduced slide tackle count
- Fixed under hit near post corners that caused too many easy chances
- Fixed the worst examples of wild off target shots and passes
- Reduced long shots
- Fixed bug causing some deflections/blocks to be potentially missed
- Reduced directional change on regular player collision avoidance
- Fixed metrification bug causing full back to run to centre of pitch when overlapping
- Fixed bug where keeper storms out too fast when narrowing angle and risks overshooting target point
- Increased fouls at lower levels
- Pushed d-lines ups a bit when ball not in attacking third
- Fixed some headers being directed higher than intended
- Fixed keepers not reaching some obvious balls above their head
- Fixed some instances of players not closing down ball player including at short corner
- Fixed some instances of players not making no-brainer tackle attempt
- Tweaked default cross aim point slightly
- Some further tweaks to kick/header inaccuracy
- Improved player blocking of shots and crosses
- Fixed some minor bugs in ball deflection code
- Some general improvements to engagement of ball player
- Reduced instances of tackles leading to corners
- Some more tackles made in danger situations
- Improved detection of Clear Cut Chances when player behind defence
- Slightly more opportunistic shots taken especially when chasing a goal
- Small tweaks to some shot velocities
- Minor tweak to pass AI reducing any risky short ones under no pressure
- Full backs come a bit deeper to offer keeper pass in 4 man defences when long kicks not instructed
- Reduced instances of keeper handballs outside area
- Fixed red cards being displayed for these handballs outside area
- Stopped players running through nets
- Fix for some issues with high d-lines not positioning correctly
- Fix for some issues with clearing header direction
- Reduced instances of clearance kicks in unrealistic areas
- Fix for keepers not saving some shots dipping and hitting woodwork
- Fix for players not leaving obvious ball for keeper
- Made keepers make use of their area better after catching ball
- Reduced some long shots in deeper central areas
- Fixed some examples of Clear Cut and Half Chances being missed
- Tuned player match ratings


  • Tidak bisa main online (multiplayer) seperti crack 14.1.3 =>>> RESIKO DITANGGUNG USER

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